Deise de Oliveira | Spitz Dog Photography

Cologne, Germany

Spitz Dog Photography



With 2000 years of history, the riverside city of Cologne known for its gothic architecture, landmark cathedral and many museums.

In 2023, Deise de Oliveira joined professional photographers around the globe to make a difference for pets in need with 'Tails of the World'. This unique collaborative project celebrates dogs with an annual coffee table book and our latest volume has raised over $65,000 for animal rescue!

Deise raised US$630 for Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück with ten pet photoshoots around iconic locations in Cologne. The first was Rheinpark, where you have the best view of Old Town, the Kölner Dom (World Heritage listed Cologne Cathedral) and the Hohenzollernbrücke bridge that crosses the Rhine river. The Hohenzollernbrücke is quite possibly the most photographed area in the city, with an unbeatable view of the river at sunset. Visitors enjoy relaxing in one of the many dog-friendly riverside restaurants with a cold stange of Kölsch, the local signature beer.
In Cologne's Altstadt (Old Town), you can still find remnants of the city from before the war. It is located in the very heart of Cologne and steeped in history. There is a green belt area designed around the entire city. Decksteiner Weiher is one of many parks in this area, with beautiful promenades, ponds and trees.

All images are shared here with the artist’s permission

Deise de Oliveira is an official photographer for our fundraising book, Tails of the World: Volume Two. You can follow Deise’s pet photography adventures on Instagram, and be sure to check out the Spitz Dog Photography Website to learn more.

Purchase your copy of the Tails of the World Book, and enjoy more dog photography and stories from around the globe. 100% of the proceeds of this book go to Second Chance Animal Rescue Inc.


Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück is the biggest animal shelter of Nordrhein-Westfalen. Open since the 60's, it has around 30 empoyees and around 500 dogs, 400 cats and 400 small and wild animals. They provide them with medical care, love and, of course, a forever home for the animals.




During the last years of my PhD research in literature, I realized that I needed to do something else with my life. So, after receiving my title, I took a photography class and started doing agility with my dog. And that's when it all started to change, because I finally knew what makes me trully happy: dogs. After that, I took many courses on dog photography, dog behaviour and I even emigrated to the beautiful city of Cologne in Germany. Living in this beautiful city and being able to enjoy nature and practice agility has been the best part of this leap of faith.